Already well known as a manufacturer i of professional and home signal-processing devices, MXR has now added a novel preamplifier to its line. The MXR Model 140 “System Preamp”...
A preamplifier/tuner is essentially a stereo receiver without a power-amplifier section. While such a component is smaller and lighter than a receiver, its principal advantage is the...
The preamplifier/tuner has been introduced to the hi-fi market from time to time as an alternative to the receiver. It is essentially the front end of a receiver, with line outputs...
The Nakamichi CA-5A II is an improved version of the earlier CA-5 Control Amplifier (preamplifier). The changes include both additional control features and circuit modifications. The...
The PS Audio Model 4.5 stereo preamplifier exemplifies the “minimalist” philosophy of hi-fi product design, which holds that the smallest number of circuit elements should be interposed...
Although the external appearance of the Parasound PR200, like most of its specifications, is not unlike that of some other high-quality preamplifiers, its $200 price places it in a...
To the best of my knowledge Perreaux is the only New Zealand hi-fi manufacturer whose products are sold in the United States. The Perreaux product line is aimed at the “high-end”...
The C-90 remote-controlled preamplifier is one of Pioneer’s Elite series of hi-fi components, which also includes a tuner, amplifiers, cassette decks, and speakers. As their name...
The Model 7 preamplifier from Questar Electronic Design (QED) is a compact and versatile control center with functions that go well beyond the usual preamplifier roles of gain, input...
Quad products are notable for their combination of superb audio quality and tasteful, though often unconventional, design. These qualities are well illustrated by Quad’s new Model...
Rockford Fosgate, which is known primarily for automotive audio components, has now entered the home hi-fi market with a high-quality preamplifier and power amplifier. The two units,...
The SAE P101 Computer Direct-Line preamplifier is a high-performance device with several advanced control and circuit features. As its name suggests, the P101 uses digital circuits...